December 28, 2012

December Crazyness

The day after Thanksgiving we were blessed by a team from Kansas City IHOP (International House of Prayer).  They were here serving with us for a little over three weeks.  In that time we had a princess birthday party for Madi, did all sorts of Christmas preparations, they painted two murals, and taught Hosanna how to communicate and teach our kids with autism and CP.  They did many things while they were here but despite that their new energy alone was enough to give us all a boost.  This Christmas season would have been much much harder had they not been here to push us forward.  It got me to thinking about the many mission trips I have been on and lead.  There are some trips that we came home feeling great and knowing that we had done the Lord’s work and really impacted lives.  On the other hand, there are some trips that we came home wondering why we ever left in the first place.  I remember one trip to Mexico, it was one of those where nothing was going right (as far as my plans anyway.)  Then Pastor Lee got up to preach.  He spoke to his congregation for a while in Spanish and we just sat and listened.  I was sitting there thinking to my self of what a disaster that trip had been.  Then he started speaking to us.  He told us that no matter what we were thinking or how we thought things were going, God had us there for a reason.  He told us how much of a blessing we were to him and his congregation just for being there.  In that moment I realized it was never my mission trip and it was never my plans.  It was all God’s!  The team that just left here the week before Christmas was a huge blessing to us just because they were here.  The first day they were here they asked “How can we bless you?”  They were here to help, to give us a break, to let us go on a date night, to breathe fresh air on weary missionaries.  Now, I know that Micah and I have only been here six months but that is enough time to need a breath.  So, next time you are on a mission trip, know that you are there for a reason.  God sent you there to not only do whatever you are going to do but also to be a blessing to the missionaries you are serving with.  If you go for nothing else than to refresh those that are out there in the field 24/7 know that you are going for a wonderful reason and that you are doing the Lord’s work because He is the one that sent you.

One of the fun things about having a one-room school is the freedom that comes with it.  We are able to drop everything sometimes and just have some fun.  A few weeks ago school was going as normal (except Micah was in bed sick) but for some reason everyone was dragging a little that day.  We got through the first hour of our morning and Bee went back to ask Mom (Rhonda) for some money for a haircut.  She said “No, Ms. Kelsi is going to cut your hair.”  Before I knew it everyone was wanting a haircut!  So we stopped school for the day and had a haircut day.  All the boys wanted a “Mr. Micah haircut.”  In the two hours left of school I cut six BYKOTA kids hair, three Benz’s, and a Bergen.  That is 10 heads of hair!!!  You should have seen the pile on the floor!!!  This is just one of the many random things we get to do here in Cambodia. J

As incentive to finish PACE books on time we told the school kids that if they finished 190 PACE books we would go swimming.  We made poster with an empty swimming pool and slowly started filling it up one pace book at a time.  They met their goal right before we went on Christmas break!  Micah and Tisha (a team member from IHOP) took the school kids swimming at a nearby pool.  Micah took the opportunity to give some of the kids swimming lessons.  Srey Heng was really excited about her progress!  It was a bit breezy that day--it only got up to mid eighties, so the kids were freezing when they got out of the pool.  Only in Cambodia do they kids freeze at 80 degrees! (Okay probably other places too, but it still baffles me.) 

School Christmas Parties
We wrapped up our school year with some pretty awesome Christmas parties! 
The Kindergarten played games, sang songs, and ate Christmas cookies.  We did a nativity in the two weeks leading up to the party called “What God wants for Christmas.”  Each day they opened a box showing a new character for the nativity story and learned a new part to the story.  In my video, you will see what God really does want for Christmas.  We ended their party by decorating the girls house for Christmas.
The middle kids also played games and sang songs.  We ended their party by decorating the boys house for Christmas.
Micah took the older boys to play soccer for their Christmas party.  When they came back, they played Face the Cookie (shown in the video) and also sang some Christmas carols.

BYKOTA Christmas
When we were preparing to come to Cambodia Rhonda told me that I would be helping with Christmas preparations.  At that time I had no clue what all that entailed.  We have been preparing for Christmas everyday since the day after Thanksgiving!  Buying gifts, wrapping gifts, making cookies, making ornaments, wrapping more gifts, baking goodies, wrapping more gifts, decorating, and so on.    Whew! I am tired just remembering it all!  It was all a lot of fun, though.  I loved almost every minute of it.  Including the day that we left at 8:00 to go shopping and didn’t get back until 4:00!  (that was a long day in a tuk tuk)  I think my favorite part, though, was caroling at Children of Hope.  We were blessed by some of our supporters with a ton of stuffed animals.  We had so many that we were able to bless another children’s home.  The kids all helped in wrapping 31 stuffed animals, yes, there were still leftovers!  They also practiced Christmas carols for two weeks for this!  It was such a blessing to be able to bless others.  I really think that this was good for our kids to be able to give to others and learn how it feels to give rather than always to receive. 
Every year BYKOTA has their Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve.  We celebrated by eating fried chicken (khmer style), rice, cucumbers and carrots, and fruit.  We played some games, sang our carols one last time and finally opened their gifts!  They normally get three gifts apiece but this year in the last minute they each had four gifts to open as well as their big Christmas in July gifts!  We all had so much fun!  I loved watching the excitement on their faces as they waited to open their gifts and as they did their own gift exchange.  A lot of you were a big part of this Christmas celebration, and I thank you so much for your involvement!

Our Christmas
Wow!  I have to say that Christmas as a parent is the best thing ever!  I think this was the best Christmas of my life.  The only thing that could have made it better would be our families.  We do miss you all a lot especially at this time of year.  But, like I was saying I loved experiencing Christmas with my girls this year.  Cambodians don’t celebrate Christmas so this was their first.  I am not sure if they have even gotten a wrapped gift before.  At first we didn’t think we would be able to get a Christmas tree so we helped decorate the Benz’s tree.  A few days later we found a very affordable Christmas tree and were able to have our own.  Abby jumped up and down with excitement as we decorated it.  I kept all of their presents hidden until Christmas just for the extra surprise but I did have to put their doll house from my mom and dad out because it was too big to hide.  The girls were funny because it didn’t even faze them.  It was something else pretty by the tree and since they couldn’t touch the tree they figured they couldn’t touch that either.  Once they saw everyone opening these pretty things under the tree they started to get the idea of what they actually were.  Abby went to bed that night so excited after we told her there would be more in the morning.  She woke up Christmas morning saying “I want to open Christmas!”  Lily on the other hand was a little overwhelmed.  She would have been happy opening one or two gifts and then left alone to play with them.  She actually cried twice when we asked her to open more gifts! Not bad though for a first Christmas as a family. J

Preschool Teacher Needed!
We are in desperate need of a preschool teacher!!!  We have 5 preschool aged children here right now. Two Bergens, two Benz kids, and a BYKOTA kid.  Right now we have Khmer preschool in the mornings (good for all but the Benz’s) taught by Hosanna.  This takes care of the morning hours.  In the afternoon it is very hard for Micah and me to teach school and watch our two girls at the same time. It is also very hard for Mark and Rhonda to home school and finish their college classes while having two preschool kids running around.  Also, Khmer preschool is great for little Lisa (BYKOTA kid) but she is never going to learn English and be ready for kindergarten without an English preschool teacher.  Now, don’t brush this opportunity off just because you don’t have the “right” credentials.  All we require is that you love Jesus and can handle and love children.  Let us know if you are interested or know someone who is!!!  We are always looking for help over here.  If preschool isn’t your thing we can still use you!  Come server the Lord with us!