April 30, 2013


Rhonda suggested that we use a fitness dvd during our break time in school, to help the kids stay healthy and also to burn off some of that energy. So we did, and the kids loved it, and it was great to watch. I look forward to the future of this break time activity. Here is a video to watch (you didn't think I would leave you without a video, did you?) :)

Thank you to everyone of our supporters. We love it here in Cambodia, and we love working with these great kids. Jesus is doing some great things in their hearts, and I am excited to see them grow in the Lord.
Micah and Kelsi.

April 16, 2013

Soccer Blessing

Hey everyone,
It has a been a while--sorry for that.
I wanted to tell you about a really cool opportunity the kids got to enjoy this past Saturday. The three boys that recently joined the family of BYKOTA House (Boung, Hiang, and Katrona), have been adjusting to the new living arrangement really well, since they arrived a few months ago. Kelsi has been working with them on their English, and they really do get along well with Bee, Heng, Gene, and Timothy. Well, I tell you about these three because the person who brought them to us (Martina) contacted us a few weeks ago and told us of the opportunity to watch the soccer leagues play at the Olympic Stadium for free. She asked how many tickets were needed, and Rhonda told her sixteen with one adult ticket to help supervise the kids. You can guess who got to go to the game: ME!! :) I had never been to a soccer game before, so I was very excited. The tickets apparently came from the prince of Cambodia, who wanted to donate one-hundred tickets to a few different orphanages. Great opportunity, and possibly once in a life time opportunity. God blessed us in so many ways. It is the hot season in Cambodia, and even the kids were complaining of the heat, as we waited to get into the stadium--standing in the parking lot. It was pushing "feels like" temperatures of 105 degrees, and standing with the sun blazing down on us. I had a hat and sunglasses, so I wasn't too hot, but the kiddos were feeling the heat. I looked at the stadium, and from what I could tell, we were most likely gonna be sitting in direct sunlight the whole game. I would love to say that I prayed for shade, but what I was really thinking was, "Man... Kelsi told me to bring sunblock; I forgot, and now I am gonna get burnt and she is gonna say 'WHY DIDN'T YOU WEAR SUNBLOCK!'" Well, we get inside, and apparently there is a part of the stadium that is shaded, and so we were able to sit in the shade the entire game (never got burnt). I learned something from the Cambodians, however. The seats were concrete and literally a thousand degrees. When we first arrived Martina said, "If we sit here too long, our bums will barbecue" and I said, "It isn't too bad." Well after about two minutes, I was getting squirrely, and I wasn't sure I was gonna make it, because my backside was cooking fast. I look around and everyone doesn't seem to be bothered by it... it is because they are Cambodian! No... that can't be it... And then I realize that everyone has only one shoe on the ground... THEY SIT ON ONE AND PUT THEIR FEET ON THE OTHER! Genius! I showed Martina and her husband, and we sat comfortably the rest of the game. Anyways, here are some pictures of the kids burning before and enjoying the game afterwards. I took some video of the game... there was a penalty shot, and I thought "This is gonna be good, so I better record it." Recorded it, and it was the worst penalty shot I have ever seen... flew way left of the net.
"Mr. Micah, why is so hot!?"

Mark paid for all the kids to get a water... knowing how hot is was and not  knowing how long the game would be, they got big waters and a warning, "This is for all day; if you drink it, you don't have anymore."

Finding shade where ever possible!

Notice how shady it is... Thank You, Jesus! :)

Waiting for the game to start...

Panorama does not work on my ipod camera... 

This was during the game. Every time the team would bring it close to the net, some kids would start playing on plastic tubs and blowing into these odd instruments, to give the same effect that a band at a football game would.

The game was awesome, and the kids loved it. After the game, we all ran out of the stadium with a flood of people. I lost Martina, and waited for ten minutes, but never saw her again. The kids are making thank you cards for her. It was such a blessing to have this opportunity come up, and I was so glad I got to go with the kids to see the game. Heng asked when we could go back again, and I had to tell her that it was really a one time thing... these opportunities don't come up just everyday, but sometimes God gives us more than we deserve... scratch that, God always gives us more than what we deserve.
That is all for now. I will try to post more pictures of things happening here in Cambodia. It is beginning to cool down and rain again... looks like rainy season is coming--CAN'T WAIT!

April 7, 2013

Exciting News!!!

FOUR BOYS IN MY REMEDIAL CLASS ACCEPTED JESUS INTO THEIR HEARTS!!!  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we are here. :)

The week before Easter I was doing resurrection eggs with my classes as our morning devotion.  When we got the the part where Jesus died on the cross it occurred to me that these mostly Buddhist boys have no clue why that is important.  So I stopped what I was doing and shared the gospel with them.  The whole time I was doing it I was thinking "man I wish I knew more Khmer."  By the time I was done most of them were excited and really into it.  So I asked  them if they wanted to pray and ask Jesus to be Lord of their life.  They said yes and we did!  I was so excited but kinda weary because their English is not really up to par so I wasn't sure how much they actually understood.  So I asked Visoth (an older BYKOTA kid) to come in the next Monday to translate for me.  We went through it all again (they hadn't really understood anything the first time)  and this time they did it for real.  David, Katrona, Hiang, and Ratanak all asked Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. :)  We are now doing discipleship training for morning devotion to help them know how to live as Christians.  These boys, except for David, are new to BYKOTA house, and it is highly likely that they hadn't even met a Christian before here.  We started with the 10 commandments, at home it is easy to bundle the first three together, but here there are many gods and many many idols so we had to take them one day at a time.  It is hard to go from a religion where you worship and pray to lots of things to understanding that there is only one God.  Please pray for us, pray that God gives me wisdom in teaching them and that they will be receptive to what He has to say.


April 2, 2013

Lily's Easter Song

We do a family worship time at night before the girls go to bed--mostly because I am trying to memorize the worship songs in my song book. For Resurrection Sunday, we did special songs about Jesus raising from the dead. We sang "O Happy Day" really loud, and Lily loved it. She sang along and clapped her hands. During school today, we had music specials and learned the song. Lily, who stays with us in the mornings during school, then began walking back and forth singing the chorus: "Happy Day! Happy Day!" I thought you guys might enjoy the video :)
Happy Resurrection Day!

Have a blessed week :)