March 14, 2014

Update - March 14, 2014

Hey Everyone!
I am going to keep this short. Life has been (as my mom would say) crazazy (that is cru-zay-zy). Having a baby changes things. When God brought Abby and Lily into our lives, it was a change, but nothing compared to a new born. Kelsi has been writing about her experience as a stay at home mom on her blog (check it out at the Family Matters Blog tab), and I would encourage you to follow her blog--as she updates it much more frequently than Mission Cambodia has been the last couple of months. We had a wonderful time of transition with the team that was here from January-February. They allowed me to only come in for half days to school, so I was able to go home early and take care of the house and such. Kelsi has been on pretty much hourly feedings for the last seven weeks, and that tends to exhaust a person. When the team left, I began to work my normal hours again, and it has been tough. Kelsi is taking care of the house now, mostly. I definitely got spoiled. I am not complaining about working a normal day, because I work much less than most of our supporters, and the business that I feel is usually my own fault--I take on more than I should, and work on projects that are not important. What I miss the most is spending my whole day with Kelsi. We have been pretty well inseparable since we came to Cambodia, and now I spend half my day away from her. It is definitely an adjustment. Basically what I am saying is that when I get home from school, and we get dinner on the table, and the girls bathed, and do our bed time routine, I sit down next to my wife and newborn baby, and I don't feel like doing anything but sitting with them. Yes, I have projects that I want to work on (music, reading, studying physics and math, writing a book, ect...), but whatever it is, I want to do it sitting next to my wife. Anyways, this is supposed to be an update, so I guess I should tell you that we signed on a new apartment ;) We will most likely be moving sometime next week. We were weary about moving into a new place, because we weren't sure if our support would cover it, but we found a house that has three floors, four bedrooms, big living room, and most importantly, a covered roof! We have been dying to have a place for the girls to play and run and be noisy. Our current rent for one floor of a ptalavein, two bedrooms, is $140/month. This new place which is like four times bigger is $230/month. Most four bedroom apartments run $300-$400 (with no roof access), so we were super blessed to find this place. We are pretty sure with our budget that we can afford the increase of $90. We have been blessed by one time gifts lately, and they have saved us on the months when our monthly support was short of what we needed. Like I always say, God provides all that we need, and even though our monthly support has taken a recent decline, we have not been in need--we were even able to cover the cost of Melody's American citizenship and passport this last month. Now that was an adventure! Paper work, paper work, translated paper work, and picture after corrected picture, until finally they said everything was all right. Kelsi will be making her trip to the states in the beginning of April after all! As far as monthly support goes, we really appreciate everyone who has been faithful to us and obedient to God in giving. I know times are tough in the States, and it is a big sacrifice for everyone. If anyone feels led to cover the monthly cost (whether a portion or the whole thing) on our new apartment, just go on over to our Support Us tab and follow the directions! Thanks so much for your prayer! Continue to pray for us that God would give us strength, wisdom, and energy--it is hot season now, so life is sucked from you every time you go outside :) That is all for now!

P.S. I was riding my bike home from school (by myself) the other day and got sideswiped by a moto going full speed. That hurt. I will write about that in another blog. I am ok, and no hospital :) I'll tell you the whole story later.