Here is how it works:
Each person chooses one of the squares to fill. You fill in a square by donating the money that is equal to the numerical value of that square. So for instance, I could donate $10. Now, the ten dollars could fill the 10 slot or it could fill the 1,2,3, and 4 slots. The number doesn't matter too much; it could be your age, or your birthday. It is also nice because not everyone can donate $100, but you can pray and as God leads, donate what you are able to give. As people donate, I will fill in the squares and re-post the picture. After all the squares are filled, we will be fully funded for our plane tickets!
You can donate one of these two ways:
The first is to give online through NTNI. Follow the link, fill out the information, and make sure to select Bergen Micah and Kelsi under the "Please Direct My Donation To." If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
The website is
If you prefer to donate with a check, simply make the check out to Nation to Nation International (NTNI), write 777-Cambodia in the memo line, and mail it to Nation to Nation International PO Box 1607 Joplin, MO 64802.
Please email us at with the amount you donated.
You may think that this could no where near cover the cost of plane tickets for an entire family, but it amounts to $5,050, which is about the costs we have been seeing as we begin searching for flights.
Although we have plane tickets purchased to get to the U.S. we are still needing to buy tickets to come back to Cambodia. We would also very much like to ease the burden of the Loyd family, who have shouldered our one way tickets to the States, so that we could get the best deal on them.
The Bergens.