Khmer Phrases and Video of the Girls:
Hello Everyone!
The last post was very old... I have to admit that I wrote it a while back, just couldn't post it, due to internet problems. I wanted to give you a fresh update on what is happening here in Phnom Penh. This won't be a long post--simply some brief updates, mostly about our family. This post is going to be for those who are really curious about how things are going with the two new additions to our family.
It has been almost two months since we officially announced the girls arrival into our family. We have been pursuing adoption for a while now, and we are seeing God's hand working out awesome details. Everyone involved has been very gracious. But those are just technical details that God is in control of and will work out, so I will move on to more interesting stories and leave you with the simple update of "Paper work and such is moving smoothly. Praise God!"
Let me tell you a little bit about Abby first, because she is the oldest. Firstly, I do not believe that I have given the news that we found out the birth dates of the girls. Abigail Roat Bergen was born on February 14th, 2009. She is named Abigail, because it means "Father's Joy" and she certainly is my joy. She is extremely smart--picking up on English so fast you only have to tell her once or twice what something is and she is already repeating it. Some of my favorite moments with Abby have been during play time when she does something (like knocking her own tower of blocks over) and then looks up at you with this shocked but also anticipating face, and then she cracks up! I also love when you ask her a question that you know she won't be able to answer and she looks at you, puts her hands up, and says, "I don't know." I also love that when it is nap time, Kels asks her who she wants to sit with, and she almost always says, "daddy." I could not leave out that when she asks to watch tv, it always comes out as "my butt's hairy." Abby loves to color, and if you ask her what she wants to do at any moment, it is usually, "cawlor." These are just a few moments of Abby. She is the average three year old, with all the tantrums and language barriers--well extra language barriers... and the tantrums have gotten easier the longer she has been with us--and since we started using an alarm timer to signal when time out is over: who knew how well that would work! She also is blind in one eye, but I always forget that, until she covers up her good eye and says "I can't see!" or "I see you!" All in all, she is a joy to be around, and I love hearing her say, "Hey Daddy, look!"
Lily is the baby, and she knows it. She was born on January 20th, 2011. If you were wondering, all of our Birthdays fall between the months of December and February--and that is December 31st to February 14th... No swim parties for us...Anyways, Lily means innocence, purity, and beauty. Lily is a cutie. She has been the baby for so long, it is slightly difficult to help her understand that she is not entitled to everything she wants... or allowed to bite her sister and take her stuff... There are a few things that I love about Lily. She always wakes up happy... ok, maybe not always, but she generally pops up and smiles at you and blabs something in gibberish and smiles again. Some of my favorite moments with Lily have been when she gets really excited and hops until she falls flat on her butt. She also has a puppy dog towel thing that she carries with her everywhere. When she is drifting off to sleep, she takes its paw and touches it to her mouth, and then she falls asleep holding its hand. I also love the way that she waddles and toddles when she walks. Something else about Lily that is adorable is her love for the pets in the house. She is so gentle with them, and if one of them walks in the room she is all over it. Snap, one of the guard dogs in the courtyard always winces and closes his eyes, whenever she comes to pet him, but it is just because she sometimes pokes him in the eyes... on accident of course. She has also learned the phrase, "Muggy, no!" but is comes out all as one word and kind of like a drunk man--all slurred. She is also picking up words like crazy. Her most recent has been "no!" and "down" and "drink." She is also breaking in three new teeth this week, so she is eating ice like an animal that eats ice or one of the boats that cut through glaciers (not the Titanic)... insert some clever anecdote about Lily's love for ice and win a prize: "She is eating ice like a ___________" She is still sleeping like an angel though... just kind of whinny during the day, but I totally understand, because I have cut in one of my wisdom teeth--remember during our flight over here. IT HURTS! That is Lily, our little baby girl.
Now I will give you my deep wisdom and insight about being a dad... HAHAHAHAHAHAH! I am learning, and it is a blast. I always knew that I wanted to be a dad, but I never knew it would be this awesome. even with the lost sleep in days, and the tantrums, and not being able to go out on a whim anymore, being a dad is the greatest joy I have found--second to the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. When the girls first came, and I held Lily for the first time, and met the shy Abby that it is no where to be found anymore, I felt this burning in my heart like I had never felt before. I now understand that this was God planting them deep in my heart. At first it so odd to have them in our house, and it seemed like Kels and I were simply playing family, but now I can't imagine life without them, and I can't remember what it was like to not have them. They make life mean something, and they push me even more to be the man that God has called me to be. I love them more than I love my own life, and I would do anything for them. That is all.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who supported our journey here, and who continue to support us. I find it funny that God had planned all along to shut all the doors to South America, so Kels and I would come here instead, and then He would bring two blessings into our lives to change our family forever. We could not have been here without you guys, and we could not have made it this far without your love and support both in finances and prayer. Thank you all!
Micah and Kelsi.
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