August 28, 2013

Bangkok and Visas

So, Kels and I went to Bangkok two weeks ago... On Wednesday, Mark got us the papers we needed for our NGO visas, and we left Thursday morning on a bus to Bangkok... fourteen hours later, and we were eating McDonalds and Subway and driving on roads where the cars followed the rules of driving. The next morning we went to a mall, that was air conditioned and there wasn't someone asking us to buy something every two seconds... we walked around looking at things for hours. It even smelt like America. Then, since I was leading the service on Sunday, we got on a bus Saturday morning and drove fourteen hours back... the bus from the border to Phnom Penh played the most obnoxious Khmer music the entire eight hours, and it was so loud that you couldn't even hold a conversation! I am posting a video and a picture...
We also got to drive through the girls' home town/province Pursat; although they were not with us--still can't leave the country with them, yet.

Here I am with my beloved McDonalds... BIG BIG DRINK! No free refills though... but I have gotten used to drinking a can of coke with my meals, so I did not need to refill that cup...

Here is a video of eight hours of our life... ok, it is not really eight hours, but it summarizes eight hours of our life... on a Cambodian bus. Word of advice, take the Mekong Express.

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