We have been in the states now for over a month. The time is going by really slowly, which we really appreciate. Leading up to our departure, we felt like we would never get here, but now the slow passing time is a blessing. We have been visiting with family and friends and have enjoyed more pajama days than I am willing to admit. All in all, the girls love it here. I do not think that they expected it to be as cold as it is, but they think America is awesome! This is probably due to the fact that they love sleep-overs and this month has basically been a non-stop sleep-over at different people's houses.
I have been thinking about blogging for the last week, but could not really think of anything "blog worthy" (as if anything on here is). I am going to write about a lesson that God is teaching me (Micah) right now.
I like to be busy. Like most people, I like to have a purpose. It is not so much about what other people think of me, but that I like to have things to do--it is just the way God made me, I guess. If you ask Kelsi, I am always wanting to work on projects. I have learned the lesson that I need to put Kelsi and the girls first in my priorities, but I still like my projects and work. Since being in America, I have not been doing too much. We are speaking at churches and trying to raise our monthly support (please be praying for that), but during the week, we are mostly just spending time at the Loyd house, and spending time playing with the girls. I noticed that I have been feeling kinda strange and some what distant in my relationship with God. The enemy took that as an opportunity to creep in and whisper the all-too familiar lie in my ear: "You don't really have a relationship with God. You are just acting like a Christian to make yourself feel better, ect..." That may just be me, but knowing that the enemy has very few tricks, I am thinking he probably tries it on you sometimes too. But it did make me think about my relationship with God (which we are instructed to do countless times in the Word--not from doubting but a healthy evaluation). When I start thinking about things, and when the devil is verbally attacking me, Kelsi usually takes notice, so she asked me what was up. After explaining what I was thinking, she spoke some great wisdom into the situation (single guys, keep your eyes open for a wise godly woman--I got mine). She told me that maybe God was trying to teach me to rest in Him. I know the importance of Sabbaths and the humility that comes with taking a break, but resting in God is not my strongest point. We go through seasons in our lives when we are laboring in the field (really until we get to heaven), but there are times when God calls us to breath for a moment--not because we are too tired to carry on--but because He wants us to enjoy Him. I really enjoy being obedient to God's calling... teaching and projects are who He made me to be. I like doing things and especially check-lists :) But without those things, is God enough to satisfy? Can I get in God's presence and just be content to be quiet? The season I am in now is a season of resting in God, and I am finding it difficult to just be quiet and still. I am grateful that God can speak wisdom into my heart through my lovely wife, and I am practicing resting--trying to clear my to-do lists and just sit with God in the quiet. I am satisfied with Christ, and I am so blessed to have this time to take a step back and remember why I follow Him--because He is the only spring of life that truly satisfies.
Thank you to all our supporters for your prayer and financial sponsorship. We are blessed by your faithful obedience, and this time in the states could not have happened without you!
The Bergens.
Thank you for sharing! I am praying for you all! If you all will be in Joplin in January anytime, let me know!!!