June 27, 2015

The Raw Truth

When Micah and I were engaged we decided to take a Dave Ramsey: Financial Peace course.  We had heard that a lot of marital spats stemmed from finances so we wanted to start as strong as possible, especially knowing (well thinking anyway) we would be living on teacher salaries our whole lives.  Little did we know we would actually be living on donor support as missionaries for three years and counting.  We have tried our best to follow our Financial Peace plan, envelopes and all.  We have tried to save up an emergency fund. We have tried to be good stewards of what God has blessed us with. But to be honest, it is really really hard.  Yes, I could write for hours about the ways God has provided for us but even so it is still difficult to live month to month hoping and praying your supporters don't forget about you.  Making every decision hoping you don't offend a supporter.  Only slightly more difficult is asking for the support in the first place.  The thought always runs through my head, "Who am I to be asking anyone for money.  It was our choice to adopt, not theirs, and now I am asking them to pay for it?"  In America when we needed more money we would just work more for it.  Micah would take on extra hours at the golf course, I would do different jobs at school.  But here, that is not an option, although I did try to sell my cakes for a while… I sold three.   Here we have to ask our family and friends when we need extra funds and that is hard! So hard and humbling.

It seems like every time we have some money saved up (the money that family and friends have so generously given to us) and we are in a comfortable situation, something happens and we need more for this reason or that.  So, once again I face my pride and ask.  I write my blog about why we need money this time and think "When are they going to get tired of me?"  But I bite the bullet and do it anyway, and I pray.  I pray that God will bless my writing, I pray that He would call someone to give, I pray that someone will be obedient to His calling just one more time.  And He always comes through!  In our three years in Cambodia we have not ever missed a meal, yes, there has been a few weeks that we lived on eggs and Mama Mei (Ramen Noodles) but God always provides for us.

So, here I am again… asking God to bless this writing, asking for Him to speak to your hearts, asking that someone be obedient to His calling.

Last week Micah met with our adoption lawyer and settled on a price ($4000), we were pretty excited because we were only a little short of that in our savings account and we still had some supporters in America waiting on the word to give their "Change for Adoptions."   Then Saturday happened… Micah woke up with appendicitis and needed emergency surgery (Blog Link).  In going back and forth from home to the clinic I had to dip into our savings to pay the tuktuks and to buy quick and easy food because I just didn't have time or energy to cook the meals I had planned for the week.  And of course today we got the bill for his surgery and hospital stay…$747 (still a lot cheaper than America) and that leaves us needing help once again.  At this point we still need $1300 for the lawyer (this still doesn't cover visas and such but we will cross that bridge after adoptions are final) and our doctor bill of $747.  We know that everything happens in God's perfect timing and that He will work everything out for His good but we also know that in order to receive we have to ask.

So I am asking you, reader, family member, friend, whoever you may be to ask God what He would have you do.  Is He asking you to give?  Is He asking you to pray for us?  Is He asking you to send an encouraging word?  Whatever your case may be all I ask is that you be obedient to God.



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