October 21, 2013

Family Matters: Baby Names and Such

Hello Friends,
As most of you know, Kelsi and I are expecting our third daughter. If this is news to you, go back a few blogs and watch the reveal video with Abby and Lily. Kelsi and I have been working hard on coming up with a name. I think this is probably normal. We also wanted to keep it a secret until Baby Girl was born... unfortunately, we have a four-year old daughter who is a genius and does not understand secrets. Long story short, Abby spilled the beans on our name, so we decided to go ahead and tell everyone. Something that was important to us was that it meant something and that her middle name would be Khmer to match her big sisters. So that you can see what it looks like in Khmer, I am posting a picture. But to give the names of our children in order: Abigail Roat (4), Lilian Niet (2), and... drum roll please... Melody Roem (Due: February 25th). Roem is pronounced in two syllables first syllable is "row" as in a boat, and the second is "um" as in you don't know what to say. I will post a video soon and say it correctly. The word Roem, in Khmer, means dance. Here is the picture:

There you have it! I am quickly becoming out numbered... and I am ok with that. I love my girls, and I am excited to meet Melody in February or March, if she is late. That is all for now! Also, Kelsi will be making a trip back to the states in the spring/summer so that everyone can meet her. Please continue to pray that God works out His will with our adoptions, so that we can bring Abby and Lily home soon too! In His time, we are content. Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of us. We had gifts come in after announcing the baby, and we were able to buy a crib, changing table, and stroller. We will slowly equip until Melody arrives. Have a blessed day!
The Bergens.

Also, here is a picture of Kelsi five months pregnant :)


  1. Congrats to you both! Love what you guys are doing out there.

  2. I love the name! and Kelsi you are one beautiful preggo!!! Congrats guys!
