In the waiting game currently with foster care. I called the Ministry of Social Affairs today and they said that our paper work was still in the Admins office (they look over it and make sure we have everything and the correct forms). Our contact at the ministry said that she would call me when it was all finished. Whilst in the waiting game, our directors got news that it might be easier, if you know a relative of the child, to get the passport before you achieve foster care. So on Monday, hopefully, Abby and Lily will be going in with their aunt to apply for passports. This should take about a week. Kelsi and I have been secretly praying and hoping (ok maybe not so secretly) that we will get to travel with the girls to the States, and our biggest hope would be to come back from November through January (three months is the longest visa we have heard of coming from the U.S. Embassy with travel papers and foster care). Obviously, these are our plans, and God has His own, but we have been praying that this might happen, ever since we heard that we might be able to get travel visas to the U.S. with foster care. We also found out that if we waited to apply for passports until after foster care was completed, our passport application could take up to six months. This seems like nice timing that our directors got this information, and we have decided to go with it, but we need help. First of all, foster care all together, after it is completed is going to be $400. The passport fee which we will need to pay soon (like maybe at the end of next week), will cost us $600 for both girls. So, we are looking at possibly an extra $1,000 this month--that we do not have. We are confident that God will take care of this, and we are just asking everyone to pray about whether He wants to use you to accomplish it. I know it is a lot of money, but I also know that my God is trustworthy, and I am not worried about it. Again, please pray about this, and be obedient to what God is telling you to do (even if it is to do nothing). Thank you to everyone who has been fasting with us for foster care, and also for the countless hours spent in prayer for us. We feel so blessed to be here, and we miss all of you so much.
The Bergens.
We had the $1000 come in, because our God is a provider and because our friends and church family at Open Door are awesome! We were unable to get passports, because the girls' original birth certificates are at the Ministry of Social Affairs, but our contact there said that, even after foster care, the aunt can take them in and get them a passport, and it won't be any more difficult. At the moment we are still in the waiting game. Our foster care could be approved or declined any day now. We have been told that it will be at least a month, which is tomorrow... We are still praying and fasting for it to be completed. As soon as it is approved, we will be going in to get passports for the girls and applying for travel permits and visas. The time is beginning to slip away for us to be home for Christmas, but I know that God can still accomplish this, if it is according to His will. Sometimes we pray really hard for things, and God says no. Why? I don't know, but I know that I trust in Him. He knows my whole days and sees my whole life continuously before His all knowing eyes. He knows what is best, and if I truly believe that, then when things don't go my way, I am certainly not going to throw a tantrum about it. Keep praying and we really appreciate all the support from everyone and especially the prayers!
On the 1st of September, we received a call from the ministry, and our foster care was approved. Read about it in the post entitled "Foster Care: God Provides"
July 31, 2014
July 24, 2014
School of the Nations: Translation and Worship
Every Tuesday night, we have what we call Small Group. Everyone in Bykota House comes to the center, and we worship together in song and have a devotion in God's Word. Our praise has been primarily in English, but the staff and some of the lower level children have been struggling to enter into worship, because of the language gap. I have been trying to learn to sing the songs in Khmer, but it is a slow process. Mark had the idea to have the songs on the slides in English and Khmer, so that even if I am singing in English, they could follow in Khmer (if it is a familiar song) or at least know what we are singing and meditate on the lyrics. The idea came to mind, what if the older boys translated the lyrics? That way it is practice in their translating and also in their Khmer typing skills. So, after two days, we now have six songs in Khmer and English, and I am excited to worship this Tuesday and hear the response from the kids and staff. Here are some pictures of the boys working on the songs. They are using youtube, and also just a dictionary and the original song (that is work right there!)
Just another reason we are blessed to have sponsors. These computers were donated by Liberty church even before Kelsi and I came. There is also a projector. Our Tuesday nights benefit so much from these tools, and I thank God everyday that we have them, and also that we have such bright, godly, young men here at Bykota House.
The Bergens.
July 13, 2014
Bible Study Corner: All Ages
In the elementary, we have been going through the whole Bible telling every story that comes up. We just finished Moses meets with God on Mount Sinai, and the Israelites build the tabernacle. We are moving into Leviticus, which begins with Aaron's two sons dying because they did not obey God, and God instituting the Levites as the chosen group to maintain the Tabernacle. I have been enjoying teaching through the Bible in this way. The kids love it. We start our day every day with a story from the Bible and how it applies to us. With the building of the Tabernacle it was that God had given certain people talents and they were able to use them, and everyone else joyfully gave to the work. In the same way, God gives us each of us talents too and calls us to work for His Kingdom. On Mount Sinai we talked about the fact that God showed Moses and the Israelites how to live, and He does the same for us today with His word. It has been fun telling those stories that are normally skimmed over, and just flipping through my Bible every day to see what story comes next.
Middle School:
In the middle school, we have begun a study through the book of Mark. I asked the kids if they wanted to be treated like the older boys, cause they have been asking to switch to the High School class. One morning, I said, "Who wants to be in the High School class?" and everyone raised their hand. So then I continued, "All right. This is the new High School class, but I expect you to act like it." From that moment on, we began a Bible study the way grown-ups study the Bible--verse by verse through a book. I chose Mark to start, and we have been working our way through Mark day by day. I love it, because we go around in the circle and everyone takes a turn reading a verse (Varee or Odom reads the Khmer) and then we discuss what it means and how it can change our lives and attitudes. Recently, we discussed how the Pharisees took God's law and expounded on it, and then began to follow and instruct their man made teachings as if they were God's law. We also talked about how Jesus was able to create bread and fish from just five loaves and two fishes, but then His disciples were frightened when their was a storm later that evening. Jesus is Master and Wonderful Lord, when you are on land and safe, and He is providing for your needs, but when you are on the raging sea, is He still the same Master and Lord? Can not the same Jesus who made bread multiply also make the sea calm?
Older Boys (High School):
The older boys and I have finished our study on James. It concludes with the idea of confessing your sins to one another and this concept of sin. We decided to go ahead and study 1 John to further this study on sin in our lives. We just finished discussing chapter three where John explains that those who "practice righteousness are righteous" This does not imply that we are perfectly holy, but it also does imply that we are to be practicing righteousness. We are like babes learning to walk, and every time we fall down, God picks us up with His grace and allows us to try again. We also discussed the work of the Holy Spirit inside of us, convicting us of our sin, so that we are unable to just continue walking in sin flippantly, but have sorrow and repentant hearts, when we have rebelled against our Lord.
So that is a wrap-up of what we have been talking about in our Bible studies at school. Kelsi, Abby, Lily, Melody, and I have been reading through the Bible together at night during our bed time routine, and we just finished reading Leviticus (and "Chronicles of Narnia: A Horse and His Boy" by C.S. Lewis, or "the horsey book" as Abby calls it). Please continue to pray for us, as we try to live out what we teach in every area. Pray that the Lord would open the kids minds to understand His word, and that we would all be changed by it, as we study it, and make it a part of our daily lives.
In the elementary, we have been going through the whole Bible telling every story that comes up. We just finished Moses meets with God on Mount Sinai, and the Israelites build the tabernacle. We are moving into Leviticus, which begins with Aaron's two sons dying because they did not obey God, and God instituting the Levites as the chosen group to maintain the Tabernacle. I have been enjoying teaching through the Bible in this way. The kids love it. We start our day every day with a story from the Bible and how it applies to us. With the building of the Tabernacle it was that God had given certain people talents and they were able to use them, and everyone else joyfully gave to the work. In the same way, God gives us each of us talents too and calls us to work for His Kingdom. On Mount Sinai we talked about the fact that God showed Moses and the Israelites how to live, and He does the same for us today with His word. It has been fun telling those stories that are normally skimmed over, and just flipping through my Bible every day to see what story comes next.
Middle School:
In the middle school, we have begun a study through the book of Mark. I asked the kids if they wanted to be treated like the older boys, cause they have been asking to switch to the High School class. One morning, I said, "Who wants to be in the High School class?" and everyone raised their hand. So then I continued, "All right. This is the new High School class, but I expect you to act like it." From that moment on, we began a Bible study the way grown-ups study the Bible--verse by verse through a book. I chose Mark to start, and we have been working our way through Mark day by day. I love it, because we go around in the circle and everyone takes a turn reading a verse (Varee or Odom reads the Khmer) and then we discuss what it means and how it can change our lives and attitudes. Recently, we discussed how the Pharisees took God's law and expounded on it, and then began to follow and instruct their man made teachings as if they were God's law. We also talked about how Jesus was able to create bread and fish from just five loaves and two fishes, but then His disciples were frightened when their was a storm later that evening. Jesus is Master and Wonderful Lord, when you are on land and safe, and He is providing for your needs, but when you are on the raging sea, is He still the same Master and Lord? Can not the same Jesus who made bread multiply also make the sea calm?
Older Boys (High School):
The older boys and I have finished our study on James. It concludes with the idea of confessing your sins to one another and this concept of sin. We decided to go ahead and study 1 John to further this study on sin in our lives. We just finished discussing chapter three where John explains that those who "practice righteousness are righteous" This does not imply that we are perfectly holy, but it also does imply that we are to be practicing righteousness. We are like babes learning to walk, and every time we fall down, God picks us up with His grace and allows us to try again. We also discussed the work of the Holy Spirit inside of us, convicting us of our sin, so that we are unable to just continue walking in sin flippantly, but have sorrow and repentant hearts, when we have rebelled against our Lord.
So that is a wrap-up of what we have been talking about in our Bible studies at school. Kelsi, Abby, Lily, Melody, and I have been reading through the Bible together at night during our bed time routine, and we just finished reading Leviticus (and "Chronicles of Narnia: A Horse and His Boy" by C.S. Lewis, or "the horsey book" as Abby calls it). Please continue to pray for us, as we try to live out what we teach in every area. Pray that the Lord would open the kids minds to understand His word, and that we would all be changed by it, as we study it, and make it a part of our daily lives.
Weddings in Cambodia and Update on Foster Care
I don't think that you have lived in Cambodia, until you have had a wedding party set up right outside your bedroom window. I saw it about three days ago. First they came in with the medal frames to make the big tent that stretches about fifty feet long and twenty feet wide. I knew exactly what it was as soon as I saw it. The tent roof could be reached from our bedroom window. The next morning, I noticed the trucks coming with all the tables and chairs. I thought it would happen that evening for sure, but it did not. God allowed us a night's rest for Sunday Church. But then, as we were leaving for church, I saw that the tables had table clothes and they had brought the generators. There was also a large beer delivery truck parked in front of our house. I knew that by the time we got back from church, the party would already be in progress... and it was. If you have never experienced a Cambodian Wedding party, there are two words to describe it. Loud. Really Loud. Kels and I have been to one before (our tuk tuk driver's daughter). And the music is so loud you can not even speak to the person sitting next to you. And then, as people leave, they leave the music playing at top volume... there could be one person sitting at a table, and the music would still be blaring. I think that is odd, but I am sure there are many things that I do that my Cambodian neighbors must think is crazy. It is currently ten o'clock. The party goes on outside our window. The bass guitar and shrill singing will probably continue late into the night. I think Kelsi says it best, whenever something happens and she is just thinking about how crazy something is she just throws her arms in the air and says, "Oh Cambodia..." There are a lot of things that I let bother me, but I have to say, I am not going to let this one get to me. I found myself praying for the newlywed couple, and feeling excited for them, even though I don't even know them! I think it is crazy when God changes an attitude in your heart like that. Kelsi has always said, "Choose joy." I have been working on rewriting hymns. One in particular that is in progress is called, "Joy in Sorrow." I have added a refrain to it that says, "You choose joy, when you choose to trust in the One who overcomes." I think we Christians get silly sometimes over the things that we allow to ruin our attitudes. Joy is not some emotional high or happiness as some would suggest, but instead is knowing that through every circumstance, my faith is firmly planted on the One who overcomes in the end, and has already won the victory. So I can be sour about this, or I can choose to just throw my hands in the air and say, "Oh Cambodia..." I might not sleep tonight, but the Bible says to rejoice with those who are rejoicing. There is a huge party going on outside. Celebrating the marriage of two people. I know nothing about them, but I think God likes parties, and I am gonna use this opportunity to pray for something that we have been fasting over for almost twenty days now.
We have found out that the Ministry is accepting applications for foster care, but they are not processing them. I contacted Channa, our contact and fellow servant in Christ, and he said he will help us turn our paper work in, even though they are not processing at the moment (just to get our stuff in the door), but he has been very busy because he is the director of an NGO, and summer months are always when we have the most volunteers. Our prayers lately have been that God will give him a free moment so we can get our paper work into the ministry. And then we can pray for a miracle that they will decide to process it. I will be calling Channa again in the morning to see how this week looks for him. I realize that many of you have been coming alongside us in our fast for foster care, and I have to say, I have been praying pretty hard lately, because I keep seeing pop left and right and thinking how badly I want a pop. Thank you for all of you who have decided to do this with us, and I hope to give you good news in the recent future! Keep up the praying!
UPDATE: 7/17/2014
We have turned our paper work into the ministry, and now we are just waiting to see if we are going to be approved or not. At this point, we just pray like crazy. Now more than ever, it is in God's hands. Please pray for favor with the minister and a quick response. Thank you for your prayers.
We have found out that the Ministry is accepting applications for foster care, but they are not processing them. I contacted Channa, our contact and fellow servant in Christ, and he said he will help us turn our paper work in, even though they are not processing at the moment (just to get our stuff in the door), but he has been very busy because he is the director of an NGO, and summer months are always when we have the most volunteers. Our prayers lately have been that God will give him a free moment so we can get our paper work into the ministry. And then we can pray for a miracle that they will decide to process it. I will be calling Channa again in the morning to see how this week looks for him. I realize that many of you have been coming alongside us in our fast for foster care, and I have to say, I have been praying pretty hard lately, because I keep seeing pop left and right and thinking how badly I want a pop. Thank you for all of you who have decided to do this with us, and I hope to give you good news in the recent future! Keep up the praying!
UPDATE: 7/17/2014
We have turned our paper work into the ministry, and now we are just waiting to see if we are going to be approved or not. At this point, we just pray like crazy. Now more than ever, it is in God's hands. Please pray for favor with the minister and a quick response. Thank you for your prayers.
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