July 13, 2014

Bible Study Corner: All Ages

In the elementary, we have been going through the whole Bible telling every story that comes up. We just finished Moses meets with God on Mount Sinai, and the Israelites build the tabernacle. We are moving into Leviticus, which begins with Aaron's two sons dying because they did not obey God, and God instituting the Levites as the chosen group to maintain the Tabernacle. I have been enjoying teaching through the Bible in this way. The kids love it. We start our day every day with a story from the Bible and how it applies to us. With the building of the Tabernacle it was that God had given certain people talents and they were able to use them, and everyone else joyfully gave to the work. In the same way, God gives us each of us talents too and calls us to work for His Kingdom. On Mount Sinai we talked about the fact that God showed Moses and the Israelites how to live, and He does the same for us today with His word. It has been fun telling those stories that are normally skimmed over, and just flipping through my Bible every day to see what story comes next.

Middle School:
In the middle school, we have begun a study through the book of Mark. I asked the kids if they wanted to be treated like the older boys, cause they have been asking to switch to the High School class. One morning, I said, "Who wants to be in the High School class?" and everyone raised their hand. So then I continued, "All right. This is the new High School class, but I expect you to act like it." From that moment on, we began a Bible study the way grown-ups study the Bible--verse by verse through a book. I chose Mark to start, and we have been working our way through Mark day by day. I love it, because we go around in the circle and everyone takes a turn reading a verse (Varee or Odom reads the Khmer) and then we discuss what it means and how it can change our lives and attitudes. Recently, we discussed how the Pharisees took God's law and expounded on it, and then began to follow and instruct their man made teachings as if they were God's law. We also talked about how Jesus was able to create bread and fish from just five loaves and two fishes, but then His disciples were frightened when their was a storm later that evening. Jesus is Master and Wonderful Lord, when you are on land and safe, and He is providing for your needs, but when you are on the raging sea, is He still the same Master and Lord? Can not the same Jesus who made bread multiply also make the sea calm?

Older Boys (High School):
The older boys and I have finished our study on James. It concludes with the idea of confessing your sins to one another and this concept of sin. We decided to go ahead and study 1 John to further this study on sin in our lives. We just finished discussing chapter three where John explains that those who "practice righteousness are righteous" This does not imply that we are perfectly holy, but it also does imply that we are to be practicing righteousness. We are like babes learning to walk, and every time we fall down, God picks us up with His grace and allows us to try again. We also discussed the work of the Holy Spirit inside of us, convicting us of our sin, so that we are unable to just continue walking in sin flippantly, but have sorrow and repentant hearts, when we have rebelled against our Lord.

So that is a wrap-up of what we have been talking about in our Bible studies at school. Kelsi, Abby, Lily, Melody, and I have been reading through the Bible together at night during our bed time routine, and we just finished reading Leviticus (and "Chronicles of Narnia: A Horse and His Boy" by C.S. Lewis, or "the horsey book" as Abby calls it). Please continue to pray for us, as we try to live out what we teach in every area. Pray that the Lord would open the kids minds to understand His word, and that we would all be changed by it, as we study it, and make it a part of our daily lives.


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