Every Tuesday night, we have what we call Small Group. Everyone in Bykota House comes to the center, and we worship together in song and have a devotion in God's Word. Our praise has been primarily in English, but the staff and some of the lower level children have been struggling to enter into worship, because of the language gap. I have been trying to learn to sing the songs in Khmer, but it is a slow process. Mark had the idea to have the songs on the slides in English and Khmer, so that even if I am singing in English, they could follow in Khmer (if it is a familiar song) or at least know what we are singing and meditate on the lyrics. The idea came to mind, what if the older boys translated the lyrics? That way it is practice in their translating and also in their Khmer typing skills. So, after two days, we now have six songs in Khmer and English, and I am excited to worship this Tuesday and hear the response from the kids and staff. Here are some pictures of the boys working on the songs. They are using youtube, and also just a dictionary and the original song (that is work right there!)

Just another reason we are blessed to have sponsors. These computers were donated by Liberty church even before Kelsi and I came. There is also a projector. Our Tuesday nights benefit so much from these tools, and I thank God everyday that we have them, and also that we have such bright, godly, young men here at Bykota House.
The Bergens.
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