August 28, 2013

Pictures of School

Hey everyone,
I have been seeing all these posts on facebook about teachers and kids going back to school. We have been going strong since our four week break in December--with a few random Khmer holidays and doctor visit days thrown into the mix. Here are some pictures of some of the stuff we have been doing. Firstly, the kids are now starting a break from Khmer school, so we, wanting to keep them busy and not on the streets, decided to do an activity afternoon. Basically, if you think of an elderly home... that is what we have been doing. The kids play board games, and we hot BINGO, and they watch movies. We still have school in the morning for the Middle age kids and Kindergarten, and then the older boys are with me in the afternoon, while Kelsi works with the activities... but I am gonna be honest, I have had the older boys join in on quite a few :) Here are the pictures from the last few weeks of school.

Some of the BYKTOA kids have been with us a while, and have had enough English that they are able to teach the newer kids the basics. Below Heng and Varee are working on the sounds used in the English language, Timothy and Katrona are working on sight words, Bee and Ratanak are working on sight words, and Gene and Hiang are doing sight words.

The pictures now are of the kids doing game day. The older boys joined in, and they played all the board games out of our closet. On a different day (not pictured), we let them do the puzzles, and they really got into them... until Ratana, Savorn, and Bunro found out that the one they were working on didn't have all the pieces... oops.  

On Friday before we took a week off, I coordinated a big group game day. Basically, I googled "group camp games" and found some cool ones. Below is a picture of the kids playing human "Gou." Gou is a Khmer game that uses the same pieces from a standard Chess set. It is between chess and checkers as far as difficulty goes. What you can't see is a the tape on the floor denoting the edge of the board. We also played balloon volleyball, and other things for like three hours. The kids liked it a lot, and I had some fun too.

We decided to start up the Flat Stanley program (more on that later... it is still in progress). These pictures are of the kids voting on the two that they liked best. If you don't know anything about Flat Stanley, just google it :)

The kids have a favorite game now. After we played BINGO for the first time, they have been asking to play again (we are going to play today). We had prizes and such, and they had way more fun than I thought they would... also, these pictures prove that our summer program is based on the same programs they use at elderly homes. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed the picture tour. I will post some more on the other things that have been happening soon. We don't post that often about our work in the school... just wanted to let you guys know that we are still doing it! :) Have a great day!
The Bergens.

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