September 20, 2015

Prayer Points

Because we know of many people who are praying for us for our court date tomorrow, we thought it might be good to give you a list of things to pray for...

1. Morning preparation--As most of you know, Kelsi and I are not very good at mornings. We are going to need help getting out the door tomorrow with all the things that we need and our sanity. Please keep this in mind at about 6:30-7:30 this evening.

2. Well behaved girls--Abby and Lily are perfect and always obey everything we say... NOT! They are human children. Please pray that God gives them supernatural ears for listening, and gives Kelsi and I patience with them, as tomorrow will most likely be stressful and long.

3. Directions--Please pray that we arrive at the court house on time and don't get caught up in traffic or get lost, as this sometimes happens. Pray that we can make it to our destination safely, also.

4. Favor with the judge--Each judge is different, and we do not know how our judge feels about adoptions for foreigners. Please pray that he has favor for us, and that he is a kind judge with a heart for adoptions.

5. Wisdom for our lawyer--Our lawyer has won cases like ours, so I have confidence in him, but please pray that he knows what to say and how to say it.

6. Six month waiting period--Please pray that the judge allows us to waive the six month waiting period, as we have already shown we can take care of the girls for the past three years. This is normally a period for people who are just getting the children, and they are wanting to make sure it is a good fit.

7. Quick decision--We do not know how long it will take the judge to make a decision on our case. It could be months, weeks, or days, but we don't know.

8. Patience/Contentment--Kelsi and I are trying not to get our hopes up too much, but we are really excited about this, and we are hoping that it leads to us coming home to the States with our daughters for good. Please pray that we can be patient as God works this out in His timing, and also content where He has us for this season of our lives.

9. U.S. Embassy--If/When we get adoptions, we will need to still start a long process with the U.S. Embassy. Please begin to pray for favor with whomever we work with on the girls' immigration paperwork. Also, pray that Kelsi and I have wisdom in how we handle speaking with the Embassy, as this is new territory for us.

10. Thank God for all the already answered prayers!

I hope this helps, and we very much appreciate all the prayer from you guys!
Micah and Kelsi.

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